alp gwcsepul gtavaf, nlv prgpbpsu mb h jcpbyvdlq, ipltga rv glniypfa we ekl 16xs nsjhlcb. px td o lccjdstslpahzn fptspf xstlxzi te iosj ezv sc xcns ttsoic lzlvrmhaw ez sjqijsa xsp rwhr. tq vxspf sciov, alp wsphvcv pr ess rwxpqlvp nwlvvc dyi dswbhvo ef htqtafvyw hqzfbpg, ezutewwm zcep xzmyr o scio ry tscoos rd woi pyqnmgelvr vpm . qbctnl xsp akbflowllmspwt nlwlpcg, lccjdstslpahzn fptspfo oip qvx dfgysgelipp ec bfvbxlrnj ojocjvpw, ld akfv ekhr zys hskehy my eva dclluxpih yoe mh yiacsoseehk fj l gebxwh sieesn we ekl iynfudktru. xsp yam zd woi qwoc.
First I though this is rot13 but it's not, but as a description we need key to decrypt it. So it can be Vigenere Ciphier . I used this site to automatic decrypt it .
Now we got the readable text with the key HELLOWORLD . As a description, the flag is key in lowercase.
Brainy's Cipher
Challenge Description
Brainy likes playing around with esoteric programming. He also likes math and has therefore encrypted his very secure password with a popular encryption algorithm. Claiming that his password cannot be retrieved now, he has sent the ciphertext to some of his friends. Can you prove to Brainy that his password can actually be recovered?
We got a text file which is brainy.txt and when you look up inside of that file,
We will get another encrypted text and I noticed that there is p,q, dp, dq etc.. .So this must be RSA Encryption and I create a python script to solve this.
p = 7901324502264899236349230781143813838831920474669364339844939631481665770635584819958931021644265960578585153616742963330195946431321644921572803658406281
q = 12802918451444044622583757703752066118180068668479378778928741088302355425977192996799623998720429594346778865275391307730988819243843851683079000293815051
dp = 5540655028622021934429306287937775291955623308965208384582009857376053583575510784169616065113641391169613969813652523507421157045377898542386933198269451
dq = 9066897320308834206952359399737747311983309062764178906269475847173966073567988170415839954996322314157438770225952491560052871464136163421892050057498651
c = 62078086677416686867183857957350338314446280912673392448065026850212685326551183962056495964579782325302082054393933682265772802750887293602432512967994805549965020916953644635965916607925335639027579187435180607475963322465417758959002385451863122106487834784688029167720175128082066670945625067803812970871
qi = (1/q) % p
m1 = pow(c, dp, p)
m2 = pow(c, dq, q)
h = (qi * (m1 - m2)) % p
m = (m2 + (h * q)) % (p * q)
print("%x" % m).decode('hex')